• Lower resource, 'intelligence-led', policing
• Changes driver behaviour
• Effective, safe, legal, & cost-effective
• Average Speed Zones with 2 units

• Solar powered, self managing unit
• Detects, photographs and logs speeders
• Offences appear on your dashboard
• Hi-Viz option available
• Pick a post in good sunlight
• Register the unit
• Automatically records speeding vehicles

Bespoke Repair Components
Bespoke repair service; replacement components.Labour quoted as separate line item. ..
Conspicuity Kit
A self-adhesive highly reflective yellow tape, pre-cut to shape, for increasing the visibility of yo..
Dashboard Account; Additional Locations
Each Manager or Statistician Account allows for the first block of 50 locations. Use thi..
Roadside Unit, incl. 1yr data
A Roadside Unit (V2) for AutoSpeedWatch. The Roadside Unit is fully self-contained, requiring ..
V2 Upgrade
Conversion of existing V1 units to V2 internals. Includes replacement of Battery, Battery..
According to the police, speed camera warning signs are not required. However, roadside units ..
Solar Boost Option
AutoSpeedWatch units may not always get enough sunlight to operate continuously, especially during w..
Average Speed Sign
An Average Speed Check sign for use when using multiple Roadside units to set up Average Speed Zones..
Sun Glare Shield
Some locations can sometimes suffer degraded images from a combination of low sun and contamination ..
Year 2+; Twelve Months Data
Each Roadside Unit includes its first year of data connectivity. For the second and subsequent ..
Tilt Adapter / Small Pole Adapter
An adapter for adjusting the tilt or lean of Roadside Units, and for fitting to smaller poles such a..
Dashboard Account; first 50 locations
Each Police Force get their first user-account for free; it allows for up to 50 locations.&nbs..