About AutoSpeedWatch

AutoSpeedWatch® automatically records speeding vehicles as an aid to Community Speed Watch (CSW) schemes.

It is NOT an enforcement camera; It does not issue fines or directly penalise a speeding motorist. It's like having a CSW team at the roadside but for longer hours and without getting cold and hungry!  Unlike "Yellow box" enforcement cameras, AutoSpeedWatch identifies vehicles that are habitually speeding.  This allows the police to prioritise their resources against the worst drivers.  

Community Speedwatch deterrence, but easier and more effective...

No need for people at the roadside, no risk of being struck, no verbal or physical abuse.  All the CSW team need to do is verify the number plates it reads using a browser or App at home or anywhere else, making Community SpeedWatch easier, safer, and more effective.  The data is collated and prioritised by severity into specific intelligence for the police typically to write to the registered keeper, or to better deploy the Speed Enforcement Units.  See how it works.

Although very cost-effective it has some limitations:  It is daytime only, it won't always record every speeder every time (e.g if other traffic makes it difficult to distinguish offending from non-offending traffic), and it isn't (doesn't need to be) Home Office 'type approved' equipment for the purposes of issuing penalties.  Being solar-powered it'll work longer during summer.....In low winter sun, it may need to rest to recharge.  Nonetheless, it will help identify the worst and most persistent speeders, and guides the police for where and when to enforce.  It's a different, prioritised, intelligent, and efficient approach to speeding.

AutoSpeedWatch is  compliant with legislation, does not invade privacy, and provides intelligence for appropriate policing measures.  It allows a closer and more productive relationship between the police and the communities threatened by speeding.  Used in conjunction with signs it provides a proven excellent deterrent.

An Independent View

Stroud District Road Safety Group has completed an independent trial and assessment which concludes that AutoSpeedWatch is ".... an excellent, cost-effective solution ....".

About Autospeedwatch Limited

Autospeedwatch Limited is a privately owned UK IT company that has developed the hardware and software behind the system.   After years of encouragement, refinement, and trials, it now offers   AutoSpeedWatch as a community speedwatch aide.   Our aim is to engineer better driver behaviours and keep the public 'onside' by concentrating on the highest risk drivers first.  Take a look at our statistics